Monday 11 August 2014

Inspired by nature

Playing with clay on a rainy afternoon...

Walking, always...

Walking, walking, walking. Over the last few weeks the weather was great, the wild raspberries were ripe (now replaced by the ripening blackberry's) and the dog was in flying form.

Twice a day we ventured out, exploring, finding new paths and re-claiming the old ones, staying out longer and longer, resting in shady places, the dog swimming. Sometimes I bring the camera...

And now, as the rain is teeming down outside, it is a perfect time to look through some of those photos.
Depending on which path we take, left or right, we could be looking at the the colour pallet of the Bog and its flowering bog cotton or the lush greenery of the forest and canal. There are subtle changes to be observed every day.

Sunday 27 July 2014

Afternoon view

And then at 5.30 in the afternoon I glanced across the fields to note a shy movement, the elegant silhouette of a group of deer grazing.

They only stayed a short while but their presence lasted well into the evening...

Thursday 10 July 2014

Remembering the Bluebells

Where did May go? June was but a blur. With allot of changes in the past two months, I have finally found a moment to pause and begin what I had planned: a visual diary, a sketchbook of sorts, a way to play and document.
Where is this blog going? I don't know, it is an experience.

In mid April and on into May, the Bluebells in a wood close to my house begin to flower. It is an amazing process to follow, the light, the colour that slowly unfolds over the weeks and gathers strength, becomes vibrant and then fades, the slight scent that lingers on the air, beautiful.
During this time I made it a habit to go early with my dog, to walk for an hour, making sure that when the first visitors arrived we were long gone..

Sunday 16 March 2014

Day at the beach

It is always a sure way to put a spring in the step. A very strange and overcast day, sometimes the sun pushed through creating fabulous luminous cloud formations. The air was sharp and cold .

Tuesday 11 March 2014

Friday 7 March 2014

Another Bird

On this morning's walk I found this piece of bark that had the exact shape of a birds head and beak so I gave it a body...

Thursday 6 March 2014

Porcelain Bird

Today, in keeping with my plan to get started with a variety of small projects, I made a pinched porcelain bird.    
It is good to get a feel for the medium again and I very much enjoyed the hand-building of clay and would like to explore it more as I go.

Tuesday 4 March 2014

Walking with Pia

Everyday we walk.
Getting into the habit of  having the camera with me, it does make you view things in a different way.

There was beautiful light today: a combination of sun, rain and wind... with the first licks of green appearing.

Friday 28 February 2014

A Pause...

In the past year, having taken a step back from making art work, I felt ready to explore new directions and to get back to the playful experimental stage that is always so exiting.
Now I have decided to just start, not to think about the outcome just yet, the freedom to explore new media and techniques and see what develops.
I shall use this space as a virtual journal, a good way to start playing with my camera every day.
Do join me if you like.

But first a cup of tea...

Wednesday 12 February 2014

Beautiful and cold

This was the view from my window yesterday morning...

                                           So i decided to tend to my indoor garden ...
                            The plants are poised and ready, waiting patiently for Spring


Monday 3 February 2014

Porcelain Flowers

                                   Work in progress, porcelain flowers for a wall panel.

Thursday 30 January 2014


Introducing Pia (also known as kitten slippers and Pocket bear) multi-talented: sight hound,water dog, sniffer dog and speed merchant, she takes the sun as and how she can get it.