Friday 20 October 2017


The subject of flowers, plants, nature, is endlessly fascinating.
This is a work in progress, lily's, ink on watercolor paper.

Monday 16 October 2017

The walk

As the leaves turned, the colour pallete changed.
With the leaden sky and diffused light, the landscape, with all the autumn colours, looked like a beautiful painting...

Sunday 1 October 2017


As Autumn settles in I am spending time tending to my plants, bringing the delicate ones into the house, re-potting, finding suitable places where each will spend the cold winter months.
 I like the change in season and  find myself spending more time painting, looking through photos, hoping that I can finally get into a creative rhythm and also re-activate this blog.

Monday 11 August 2014

Inspired by nature

Playing with clay on a rainy afternoon...

Walking, always...

Walking, walking, walking. Over the last few weeks the weather was great, the wild raspberries were ripe (now replaced by the ripening blackberry's) and the dog was in flying form.

Twice a day we ventured out, exploring, finding new paths and re-claiming the old ones, staying out longer and longer, resting in shady places, the dog swimming. Sometimes I bring the camera...

And now, as the rain is teeming down outside, it is a perfect time to look through some of those photos.
Depending on which path we take, left or right, we could be looking at the the colour pallet of the Bog and its flowering bog cotton or the lush greenery of the forest and canal. There are subtle changes to be observed every day.

Sunday 27 July 2014

Afternoon view

And then at 5.30 in the afternoon I glanced across the fields to note a shy movement, the elegant silhouette of a group of deer grazing.

They only stayed a short while but their presence lasted well into the evening...